Staging guidance for top-tier calgary Realtors

Elevate Your Listings with expert Staging solutions

In-person consultations for Calgary-based realtors

maximize value with top-dollar Staging Strategies

  • Sharing the right paint colours to showcase a homes best assets.

  • Teaching you how to make the home look its best online through listing photos.

  • We’ll have a detailed discussion and review what needs to be done to the property before you list it to guarantee the best possible price.

What we cover

As a real estate professional, you don't have to break the bank to achieve a high-end appearance and get a quick, high-value sale. Staged by Tara will guide your sellers through my stage to sell methods that get the home looking beautiful and sold faster.


using existing furnishings

Furniture Placement

paint colour recommendations

deferred maintenance issues


best Lighting practices

Curb appeal

Upgrading suggestions